NAMIBIA: Nedbank Campus Namibia

LOCATION: Windhoek

Nedbank Campus Namibia is a newly built building consisting of offices and 5 parking levels with cantilever slab.

Overall concrete used totaled:

–        10MPa blinding = 215m³

–        30MPa concrete = 14 465m³

–        Paving = 1550m²

–        Formwork = 48 590m²

Almost 1 000m² of roof sheeting and cladding, 820 000 7MPa bricks and 22 370m² of plaster and screeds were used.

Nedbank’s new office building focused on sustainability where 70% of the excavated material was re-used and not diverted to a landfill, 90% of the steelwork is recycled metal to mention a few.


The cement used was CEM II 32.5 N and 42.5 N  Ohorongo Cement, and most of the concrete was ready-mix provided by City Concrete.

Photos and Information provided by Namibia Construction (Pty) Ltd.

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