Tackling Poverty Through Skills and Knowledge Transfer in Ohangwena Region

Nineteen new trainees each received a certificate of attendance.
Nineteen new trainees each received a certificate of attendance.

A total of 19 people from the 12 constituencies of the Ohangwena Region received training and guidance in the art of brickmaking, from the Ohorongo Build It Brickmaking Academy in Eenhana on 19 July 2017.

The Academy is the result of the Smart Partnership between Ohorongo Cement and one of its customers, the Build it group, in support of the Harambee Prosperity Plan, as their contribution towards poverty alleviation in the country.

Ohangwena Region is one of the regions in the country that is faced with widespread poverty in its 12 constituencies, as the majority of its population live in rural areas. The region also has one of the lowest employment rates in the country.

Ohorongo Cement and Build it established the Academy in March this year, with the aim of assisting government in alleviating poverty, through imparting of skills and knowledge.

“We are confident that this project will not only transfer knowledge and skills, but also secure jobs for our fellow Namibians, as it will facilitate self-employment,” said Ohorongo Cement’s Marketing Manager, Carina Sowden.

After the three hour training, all trainees received a brickmaking manual to further reference and a certificate of attendance. Beyond the training, Ohorongo Technical Team, together with a support team from Built it stores, will continue to provide technical assistance and advice to the trainees to ensure the best outcome of high quality bricks.

The Build it group has committed to purchase the bricks produced by the trainees, pending adherence to quality control measures.

“This Brickmaking Academy is especially important to us as cement, bricks and blocks forms the stable foundation and framework upon which things grow. If the trainees can produce bricks and create an income, it would contribute towards a growing economy. As people build better and stronger houses, schools and places of work – employment grows, people prosper, children get better education and businesses can thrive and grow, which is the ultimate goal” said Paul Hinson, Category Buyer for the Build it Group.

Trainees are selected through the regional governors’ offices.

“The fact that Ohorongo and Build it involved Government through liaising with the various Governors with this initiative, shows transparency and dialogue, true dedication for the cause,” said Ohangwena Governor, Hon. Uusko Nghwaamwa.

“During the launch, it was mentioned that it is a dream of Ohorongo Cement to create a brickmaker in every village, to ensure sustainability and keep logistical costs down, while at the same time taking care of the communities in which they live & operate.

By allowing the Governors to send a trainee from each constituency, is a step in the right direction towards achieving that dream,” he said.

The next brickmaking training will be in Omusati Region on the 16th August. Khomas- and Otjozondjupa regions will follow thereafter. Training sessions for rest of the regions will be conducted in 2018.

NOTE: Ohorongo Cement / Build it are not qualified training institutions and cannot accredit any individual after training has been done. Training is done solely in support of Harambee, transfer of skills & knowledge & job creation in order to empower people.

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