Support ULM e.V. and OOCT Supports the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture with Text Books

LOCATION: National

VALUE: N$ 185 000.00

Oshana Regional Director of Education, Arts and Culture, Hileni Amukana, Mr Coetzee, representatives

Support Ulm e.V., in collaboration with the Ohorongo Otavi Community Trust OOCT) donated textbooks and teacher’s guides to the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, to the benefit of 14 identified schools in the Oshikoto, Oshana, Ohangwena and Omusati Regions. The donation consists of 1330 Grade 4 – 7 textbooks and teacher’s guides, with a total value of N$ 185,000.

The donation is the result of a commitment made by Support Ulm e.V. and the Ohorongo Otavi Community Trust to the Ministry of Education to support identified schools with school books and teacher guides. The donation is part of a bigger initiative to distribute more than 1,750 books during March and April 2021, with a total combined value of N$ 243,000.

The support to education already started in 2019, and up to date more than 1,800 school books, covering the subjects of Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Studies, English and Afrikaans for grade 4 -7 were distributed.

The Oshana Regional Director of Education, Arts and Culture, Ms. Hileni Amukana, expressed her gratitude to the Ohorongo Otavi Community Trust, and Support e.V., for the donation. She confirmed that this donation will definitely make a difference in the lives of the children, and it will assist to lay the foundation for the learners up to secondary level.

“This is not the end. In order to mitigate some of the educational resource challenges the public education system is facing, we will endeavor to procure more textbooks for upper primary leaners. This is our continued commitment towards Namibia and its future leaders,” Rudolf Coetzee, one of the Trustees of OOCT, pledged.

Support Ulm e.V., a German non-profit organization, has organized various fundraising activities throughout the years to raise funds which is again re-invested into various projects benefiting the Namibian population.

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