Ohorongo Provides More Support MOHSS

LOCATION: Windhoek

VALUE: N$ 144 000.00


A container full of hospital beds and matrasses was handed over by OOCT in collaboration with Support e.V. to the Ministry of Health & Social Services Windhoek Central Hospital this week.

The container load of goods was received on 16 February 2015 on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) by Mr Edison Uapingene (Administration officer) and Ms Benonia Witbeen (Senior Administration Clerk).

“In lieu of a recent newspaper article regarding a lack of hospital beds within the MOHSS, we realized that there was a need. That is why we then requested the assistance of our partner in healthcare, Support e.V. Ulm, Germany, to procure these items for us in order to fill this need in our communities,” said Mrs Carina Sowden, Marketing & Communications Manager of Ohorongo Cement.

OOCT has a long-standing Memorandum of Agreement with MOHSS, and also signed an Addendum for a 5 Year Extension to the existing agreement on 24 November last year.

The letter of Extension serves to extend the existing Technical Development Co-operation Agreement between MOHSS of the Republic of Namibia, with Support e.V Ulm, Germany (a non-profit organization), and the Ohorongo Otavi Community Trust (OOCT), focusing on assisting the Namibian Government to improve health and health related requirements of the Namibian population.

MOHSS agreed to receive such assistance and dedicated itself to support OOCT and Support e.V., Ulm, in pursuance of such co-operation.

Another container of hospital beds are currently underway to Otjiwarongo for MOHSS.

The total value of the two containers is estimated on N$ 144 000.

To date, the Ohorongo Otavi Community Trust has donated various goods in excess of one million Namibian Dollars to various projects within Namibia within one year.

OOCT cares deeply about Namibia and its community and is dedicated to assist and support Government initiatives like Growth At Home, Vision 2030 and NDP4.

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