Ohorongo Cement constructs sport facilities for Otavi community

Ohorongo Cement in partnership with Dundee and Agra decided to construct a Volley ball, Netball and Basket Ball court for the community of Otavi. The construction of the facilities will cost N$2.6 million to construct.

Ohorongo Cement is the main sponsor and appointed GI construction to construct the sport facilities. Of the people who are working there, 60% are from Otavi. This was one of the requirements to empower locals to be involved in community development. The project will also create employment during the construction process as well as after it is completed.

The Town Council avail land to Ohorongo and its partner to set up the sport facilities. Once the project is completed the facilities will then be given to Otavi Town Council to be used by the community. The maintenance of the facilities will be done by Otavi Town Council.

The project was initially started by 2012, but they were delays in the process of getting the project up and running. The revamp was done in 2015. The sponsors announce that the project has been approved and contractors will be appointed as soon as possible.

Quotations in search for constructors were then done and the suitable constructors were then appointed. The sport facilities will contain a pavilion which is estimated to accommodate more than 150 spectators.

Speaking at the foreman at the site Mr. George Theophilis said they are ready to provide the community of Otavi some quality sport facilities. They are working hard to make sure that the project is completed in time as planned, rain how-ever is a hindering factor but will not stop them. The project is expected to be completed by end of April this year.


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