Kambwa Trading & Crown BuildIt donate textbooks to needy schools with OOCT & Support e.V.


VALUE: N$ 34 500.00 

Ohorongo Otavi Community Trust (OOCT), in collaboration with Support Ulm e.V., Crown BuildIt Windhoek and Kambwa Trading, donated textbooks and teacher’s guides to Nicolas Witbooi Memorial School and Omuthitu Combined School today (17 May 2019).

Nicolas Witbooi Memorial School received 80 x books and Omuthitu Combined School (Okahao constituency in Omusati Region) received 406 books. The total handover value of the books are N$ 34 500.00 and it covers textbooks for Grades 4 to 7. The books covers the subjects of Mathematics, Social Studies, Natural Science and English.

During the launch of the Friends of Education in Namibia Special Initiative (FENSI) in 2017, the Hon. Katrina Hanse-Himalwa called on willing friends of Education to support her Ministry in order to help solve the challenges facing the public education sector. This is what caused the private sector to take immediate action to assist.

Crown BuildIt Windhoek selected Nicolas Witbooi Memorial School and Kambwa Trading selected Omuthitu Combined School to benefit from this donation. “These textbooks is our response to numerous calls from the Minister of Education to the private sector to support Education in areas of urgent need,” said Riaan Van Staden, co-owner of Crown BuildIt Windhoek. “Companies are only as good as the communities in which they reside and operate in. We felt compelled to take action and do our part for our future leaders.”

The M.D. of Ohorongo, Mr. Hans-Wilhelm Schütte commented that Ohorongo’s customers are a vital link in the communities where companies live and operate. As such, Ohorongo works closely with its customers through selective donations as value addition to them, “ensuring we all take care to ensure we leave a lasting legacy for future generations.”

Omuthitu Combined School has been in existence since 1969 and currently accommodates 269 kids.

Mr. David Sheehama, owner of Kambwa Trading explained that Omuthitu was the school where he received his schooling from Grade 1 to Grade 9. 

“It is my homeschool, this is where my skills originated from, and now I want to plough back to into this school and into the community to show my gratitude for helping me to grow to where I am today”, he said. “You need to be disciplined learners, you need to study hard, because we need an educated nation.”

Mr Aaron Shikongo, Principal at Omuthitu Combined School explained that they only receive assistance from Government.

“There is a huge shortage of textbooks from Grade 1 to Grade 9, therefore these books donated today will assist us to make our teaching and learning processes so much easier and effective. For this we are very thankful,” he said.

“We also want to make use of this opportunity to highlight that the school is also in dire need of computers, internet connection, a projector and sports equipment. Our school fence is also dilapidated. So if there are any other private companies out there who feel it in their hearts to contribute, please follow the example set here today by Kambwa Trading, OOCT and Support e.V.”

Nicolas Witbooi Memorial School is situated in the Khomas region and first opened its doors in 1928, thus it is already 101 years old! They have 263 kids of which 70% are from Windhoek and 30% from the nearby community.

The principal, Ms I.K. Katjinaani expressed their sincere gratitude for the donation. “The school is mostly supported by Government, the farmers unions and private individuals from the community. Because contributions are limited, we are always in dire need of financial support, school books and anything that can uplift or improve the school. This donation will boost the Afrikaans resources at the school, which will increase the learning capabilities of the learners and we appreciate it very much!”

“This is not the end. In order to mitigate some of the educational resource challenges the public education system is facing, we will endeavor to procure more textbooks for upper primary leaners. This is our continued commitment towards Namibia and its future leaders,” Schütte pledged.

OOCT in collaboration with Support Ulm e.V has procured more than 1600 textbooks and teachers guides which are being distributed to various schools in Otjozondjupa-, Ohangwena-, Oshana- and Khomas regions.

On an annual basis, OOCT also donates cement towards the construction of additional classrooms and renovations of schools countrywide through the Ministry of Education.

Support Ulm e.V., a German non-profit organization, has organized various fundraising activities throughout the years to raise funds which is again re-invested into various projects benefiting the Namibian population. 

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